This part of the content Management System helps you to add and update information related to journals Published by the department.

Screenshot showing Journal Published by Central Asian studies

Steps to update Journal on the website

1) Select Journal Screen

Once you have Logged in, You will be able to see the Dashboard.

Click on the arrow pointer highlighted, to go to Journal screen.

2) Options in Journal

On clicking Journal, you will be able to see the options which include Papers, Volumes, Create Label and Journals.




Custom Label

3) Adding Journal

You need to start with Adding a journal by clicking on Add New Journal.

4) Journal Details

After clicking on Add new journal tab, it will take you to the page wherein you can enter all the details related to Journal which includes:

  • Journal ID

Provide Journal ID.

  • Name

Mention name of  the Journal.

  • Start Date

Provide the Date of the Journal.

  • Print ISSNNo.

An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is an 8-digit code used to identify Journals, Magazines.

  • Online ISSNNo.

  • Publisher

Mention the name of the Publisher

  • Email ID

Mention Email

  • Phone

Mention Phone number

  • Address

Mention Address of the Publication

  • Periodicity

How often is it Published  (Monthly, Yearly, Bi- annual etc).

  • Name of Publication

Mention name of the Publication.

  • Display Order

What would be the order of the journal with respect to other journals on the website.

  • Is Active

Is Active allows user to select whether the Journal is to be made Visible or not on the website.

  • Pic File

Upload the picture of the journal by clicking on Choose file button.

  • PDF

Upload Journal in Pdf format by clicking on Choose file button.

  • About

Provide information about the Journal.

  • Editorial Board

Mention the name of Editorial Board.

  • Advisory Board

Mention the name of Advisory Board

  • Editorial Policy

Mention Editorial Policy of the journal.

  • Ethical Policy

Provide Ethical Policy of the Journal

  • Guidelines

Mention Guidelines

Once you fill all the details, click on Save button to save details.

         Screenshot of the Journal Details section has been shown below.

Editing/ Deleting Journal Details

To Edit Journal Details:

  •   Click on Edit button,

  •   Make changes, Click on Update Button

  •   To Delete Journal, click on the Delete button.

Once you are done with adding a journal, next comes Create Label.


Create Label

In Create Label tab,  you can update details by clicking on the required option from Label Text, Display Order column and then save the changes.

To make the Label visible, check Is Active box.

5) Adding Volumes

To Add New Volumes, click on Volumes tab and select the Journal name from the drop down menu for which you want to add Volume.

Click on Add New Volume button to add new button.

On clicking Add new Volume button, You will see a screen with details including:

  • Volume ID
  • Year
  • Volume No.
  • Issue
  • Issue Date
  • Display Order
  • Is Active
  • Pic File
  • PDF
  • Description

After entering all the details, click on Save button.

Editing/ Deleting Volume Details

To Edit Volume Details:

  •   Click on Edit button,


  •   Make changes, Click on Update Button

  •   To Delete a Volume, click Delete button.

6) Adding Volumes

Next step is to add Papers, Click on Papers tab and select Journal and Volume from the drop down menu. Enter relevant details and click on Add button.

Editing/ Deleting Volume Details

To Edit Paper Details:

  •   Click on Edit button,

  • Make changes, click on Update Button.

  • To Delete Papers, click on Delete Button.

Linking Journals to Main menu/Links.

You can either create a Journal as a new Page in Main Menu or link it to the existing Top Menu or a Level.

            Creating a new Page

  • Go to Main Menu and select the desired location wherein you want to create and link the Journal Page, enter details,

  • Click on Get Local link, select Journal from the Select Page drop down menu, choose Journal name from Possible Links and click on Insert Link.


  • Click on Add button.

          Linking Journal to the already existing Page

          If you want to link Journal to the already existing Page,

  • Click on Get Local Link,
  •  Select Journal from Select Page,
  • Click on Insert Link and
  • Click Update Button.

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